Tantric Companionship & GFE

Explore a sanctuary of bliss with genuine intimacy and carefully curated experiences that create unforgettable moments of joy and closeness.


Step into a realm of pure bliss with an artful touch that invites deep relaxation and ecstatic pleasure through FBSM and Nuru massage.

Intimacy Coaching

Discover the path to blissful connections with tailored Intimacy Coaching, designed to enrich your relationships and personal fulfillment through deeper understanding and communication.


**Please add an extra $100 for incall fee.**

1 hour - $500

90 minutes - $700

2 hours - $800

4 hours - $1,800

Overnight or whole day - $6,000

FMTY - $6,000

FMTY must include business-class airfare and hotel accommodations (4 or 5 star)

Inquire about retainers or monthly packages.

The Details

Extended Dates
Dates of 3 hours or more must include a meal, drinks or an activity outside the room.

Fly Me to You Dates
Fancy meeting me? Invite me to join you in your neck of the woods.
FMTY's are reserved for gentlemen wishing to spend 6 hours or more together, with overnights preferred. All FMTY arrangements must include business-class airfare and hotel accommodations at establishments with 4 or 5 stars.
A 50% deposit for our time together plus airfare and hotel accommodation costs are required when booking.

Screening is mandatory. Please refer to the Booking page for details.

Cancellation Terms
I understand that life happens. Please be advised that same-day cancellations will forfeit any deposit. Rescheduling, however - is always free.